National Nail has been a proud part of the American building materials industry for over 50 years as a manufacturer and distributor of high-quality, innovative product and service solutions for the residential, commercial, and industrial construction industries. We partner with multiple national and global suppliers and distributors to serve the hardware wholesale, roofing wholesale, independent, chain, home center and STAFDA channels. We enjoy a history of brand, product, packaging, sourcing, marketing, operations and technology innovation, and strive to contribute creative thought leadership to our industry and the markets we serve.
We are Employee-Owned
Our employees are our most valuable assets. We believe that employee ownership improves innovation and competitiveness, and increases engagement and productivity through greater employee participation in the ownership and operation of our business. It enables each employee to see a direct link between their assignment and the value of their company.
Employee-ownership creates an environment of “we’re all in this together”. Communication is open and teamwork is a high priority. Employee-ownership continues to help attract, develop, inspire and retain key personnel since the value of our company is a major component of each employee-owner’s compensation.
The benefits to our customer and supplier partners are numerous. Our employee-owners continuously seek out ways to improve service, identify new product ideas, reduce the cost of our business and identify new, progressive ways of helping our customers and suppliers grow their brands and their business. In short, owners are more engaged in the whys and hows of our business.

We are Committed to Community
“To whom much has been given, much will be required.” -Luke 12:48
We believe that in serving and sharing, we honor that which is required. We dedicate the blessings of our time, talent and treasure to benefit others in our communities – it’s part of our fabric. Our participation has served a wide variety of people and organizations including product and onsite training for the Women Roofers and Rutherford Housing Partnership in North Carolina, volunteer hours with Habitat for Humanity and wheelchair ramp builds for Home Repair Services in Kent County Michigan, fund raising for the American Cancer Center and ALS, and product and financial support for Community Repair Day, Kent Services, and other community initiatives. We host regular blood drives throughout the year, and are partnered with a local elementary school to provide year-long volunteers for their reading program. And we look to the needs within our own National Nail family - we’ve initiated Family First™, an opportunity to share clothing and household items first within, then with the wider community through Goodwill Industries.

We are Brand Builders
Innovation comes naturally to us – it’s in our DNA. We create unique, patented product solutions for decking and the building envelope, as well as bring three proprietary brands to national and global markets.

Changing the FACE of Decking® is the CAMO® mission. The brand includes the game-changing CAMO Edge Deck Fastening System for fastening wood, composite, and PVC deckboards through the edge of the board for a fastener-free, Barefoot Approved™ deck surface.
CAMO also includes a full line of Premium Deck, Premium Trim, Composite and Structural screws for installing the deck substructure as well as face-fastening deckboards and other exterior projects.